10 years for a document

On 4 April 2001 the local newspaper of Trieste “IL PICCOLO” published the “official document” issued by the joint committee of history experts with headquarters in Rome and Ljubljana. The committee worked for ten years on a study of the Italo-Slovene relations between 1880 and 1956. We decided to start a debate on the matter by organizing a round table under the name “DOCUMENTI E STORICI DI CONFINE. Verità accessibile e verità documentabile" (BORDER DOCUMENTS AND HISTORIANS. Accessible truth and documentable truth). The meeting took place on 27 April 2001 in Trieste with the participation of history experts Almerigo Apollonio, Antonio Sema e Roberto Spazzali, journalist Pierluigi Sabatti, author of the above-mentioned article in the “PICCOLO”. Other Italian history experts, members of the joint committee, did not show up despite our invitation. We attach the complete text of the document as it appeared in the “PICCOLO”, the official statement of I.R.C.I. wrote together with our researcher Almerigo Apollonio, Sabatti, Sema and Spezzali. I.R.C.I. intends to keep the debate open and promote other studies and public events, with the much-appreciated contribution of some Slovenian history experts of the committee.

by Piero Delbello